For some, the death of Osama bin Laden marks a historic date, as the master mind of terrorism has been searched and hunted for ten years by the best paid secret service and best equipped army of the world.
The killing - execution - assassination - terror assault - murder: you can see however you name it you create a questionable context for what has happened. It was legitimate only according to the laws of the Wild West, and not for any other norms of jurisdiction. It is presented as part of the "war against terrorism" which is directed by the right of the stronger and ignores all standards of the law of war, law of nations and the rights of souverenity. Under this title, numerous violations of human rights have happened and twi wars have been launched (Afghanistan 2001 and Irak 2003). This war against terror announced against anyone whom it may concern, shows what a world looks like in which one super power and their appendices can do what they want, attack and destroy, and how bitter it is to see that there is no power which can limit this arbitrariness.
Should we not deplore the death of any human being? What is it that people around the US celebrated - the satisfaction of their craving for revenge? What justice does the US president mean - a primitve justice of violence and counter violence? The world has hardly become safer as consequence of this death. It is clear, that by terror and counter terror, the destructive spirale is accelerated and shows no sign of an end.
The killing - execution - assassination - terror assault - murder: you can see however you name it you create a questionable context for what has happened. It was legitimate only according to the laws of the Wild West, and not for any other norms of jurisdiction. It is presented as part of the "war against terrorism" which is directed by the right of the stronger and ignores all standards of the law of war, law of nations and the rights of souverenity. Under this title, numerous violations of human rights have happened and twi wars have been launched (Afghanistan 2001 and Irak 2003). This war against terror announced against anyone whom it may concern, shows what a world looks like in which one super power and their appendices can do what they want, attack and destroy, and how bitter it is to see that there is no power which can limit this arbitrariness.
Should we not deplore the death of any human being? What is it that people around the US celebrated - the satisfaction of their craving for revenge? What justice does the US president mean - a primitve justice of violence and counter violence? The world has hardly become safer as consequence of this death. It is clear, that by terror and counter terror, the destructive spirale is accelerated and shows no sign of an end.
I hope these lines do not get misunderstood as justification of terror assaults and other suffering which was done to people. I condemn any form or violence and especially all forms which affect civilians. I also condemn all preaches of hatred and all provocations for acts of violence. As far as I can see, a life full of hatred and destruction has been brought to an end. But the question has to be posed, and it has to be posed as long as we want a society based on human justice and human respect: has this death happened according to law - to which law and to which consequence.
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